On February 7th, Sunday Morning Coffee Company founder, Savannah Mitchell, shared her inspiring journeys on the path to entrepreneurship with Amazon's Buy with Prime.
During the interview, Savannah talked about how she turned her passion and expertise with coffee into an ecommerce business. She said, “The name Sunday Morning reflects the beauty, peace, and calm of an easy Sunday morning routine that I want others to experience with my coffee”.
"On Sunday mornings, everything in life just feels easy. I'm able to hit pause and just appreciate life. Sunday Morning Coffee returns you to yourself.” Savannah explains.
Although coffee is often seen as a way to speed up, Sunday Morning invites coffee lovers to slow down and take a moment for themselves with each sip. Savannah sees coffee as a form of self-care, a way to practice mindfulness. Two of her bestselling blends, Tiah Maria, a full-bodied medium-dark roast and 1967, an organic espresso blend, are part of her daily routine.
As one of very few Black women in the industry, Savannah feels blessed. "Black businesses give Black communities the power to write their own narratives,” she says. “I love providing my community with opportunities to become great, and I love being able to do that with coffee."
In the end of the interview, Savannah told Amazon's journalist that she has plans to get her products in Target this year and open her first brick-and-mortar in the D.C. area. Her 10-year goal is to open a branded chain of bed and breakfasts that feature Sunday Morning coffeehouses inside. She sees her coffee company as the first step to a hospitality empire.
"If the dream doesn't scare you, it's not big enough,” she proclaims.
See the full story at Merchant spotlight: Sunday Morning Coffee Company